Any Text following to make story big enough
This story is a work of fiction, it starts slowly, and involves exploring crossdressing and sexual adventures between friends. If this doesn’t sound enjoyable you might want to stop right here. Otherwise enjoy
Chapter 1
It all started two weeks ago.
Charlie’s monitor had blown as he was finishing up his proposal. The work was still there. Probably? He had to get a new monitor as soon as possible though, his computer was still running and holding the sum total of his last weeks worth of work, the last thing he could afford now was for something else to go wrong. IT was on the third floor, if they don’t have a monitor I can use for the rest of the day, then I will yell at them until they go get me one, he thought to himself as he got on the elevator.
The doors opened and Charlie found himself in front of a cute little blonde girl holding a stack of keyboards.
„Please tell me there is someone else in IT today, it looks like you have your hands more than full“ he laughed as he stepped aside to let her into the elevator.
„Yeah Danny should be at the desk, he should be able to take care of you. Good luck! Oh hey can you hit 5, I need to get these things into action asap. Thanks!“ the little blonde shouted as the doors closed and the elevator started moving. Charlie was still picturing her as he walked around the corner and into IT. I think her name is Sara? Sally? Either way, she is definitely worth remembering.
The IT department was always filled with stacks of technology, some new, some old, and only the IT squad seemed to be able to make heads or tails of any of it. A big desk covered in massive monitors sat in the middle of the room, the center of all the chaos. As Charlie approached the young man sitting behind the monitors looked up, the light reflected from the monitors and in his glasses almost completely hid his eyes. As he stood up, Charlie could see how tall and thin he was too, the glasses, and the long hair in a pony tail all in all confirmed this guy was a pretty average computer geek, he thought to himself.
„Hey buddy, I need a monitor, nowish. Mind if I just take one of these off your hands?“ he laughed as he started to reach for one of the large monitors on the desk. The young man’s eyes got wide with terror as Charlie moved closer.
„Don’t! I will get in so much trouble!“ He half squeaked as he jumped up to stop him.
„Hey man it is cool“ Charlie laughed „It was just a joke, you are kind of tense, huh bud? Sorry I didn’t know, my bad.“ He kept laughing, this guy must be so damn uptight, or maybe he was just super protective of his technology. Either way he still needed a monitor.
„So I ran into Sara in the hall, her name is Sara, right? and she said you would be able to help me“ he moved on and used the opportunity to figure out who exactly that cute blonde was.
„Yeah, Sara“
„Great, and you are Danny, right? I’m Charlie from the fourth floor, I need a new monitor, like immediately. Mine just went tits up and I was just finishing a big job. I need your help.“
„Ok I can definitely do that, and yeah I’m Danny. Your computer is still turned on and on the network, right?“
„Yeah, why?“
„Give me a sec“ Danny sat back down and started clicking and typing for a minute before getting back up. „Ok everything looks good, I just went in and saved your work remotely, everything looks good, now lets go find you a monitor“ he said as he got up and walked to the back of the room and opened a door.
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